
  • Collect intelligence about all types of evasion of commercial taxes, stamps and registration duties, transport, royalty on mineral and other levies, land related revenues with land tax and all other tax and non-tax revenue of the state, through systematic survey and collection of information through departmental records, complaints and from any other source or by any other means.
  • Collect, collate, analyze and process the intelligence and pass it on to the concerned departments for effective action against revenue leakage and thus act as a watchdog over the revenue collection of the state as envisaged.
  • From the information so collected, make out cases that have large revenue implications, investigate the cases and issue show significant notices to the concerned defaulter and thereafter transfer the case to the concerned department for further necessary action.
  • Periodic monitoring and follow up of such cases with the concerned department till a logical and final result is achieved.
  • Function as the liaison authority for exchange of information with other revenue collecting / anti evasion organization / agencies like Central DRI, Directorate General of Central Excise intelligence, police, CBI, Income Tax Department and the field commission rates of CBEC.
  • Effective liaison and co-ordination with the neighboring states to curb unauthorized or illicit trade across the state borders.
  • Monitoring of cross border trade of diesel, petrol and alcohol including other excisable commodities like LPH and Rectified Spirit.
  • Research and analysis with advice to departments for steps to be taken for eliminating loopholes in the statute and system, for better revenue realization
  • Examine various tax concessions / exemptions and relaxation in controls and make recommendations to the Government regarding their continuity and revenue implications.
  • Play an effective role in preventing the evasion of taxes by analyzing the Government policies, working out the trend reports in different commodities and sectors and making prognosis for potential sources of loss in revenue and make recommendations to the Government for policy formulation.